Friday, 26 August 2011

Request: A Whale

ahh its blurry sorry :(

Request; Avril Lavigne

Or Chucky's wife, as my mom says LOL avril isn't easy to draw okay! sorry its sideways

Thursday, 25 August 2011

15 Days!

Hey guys letting you know that it's been 15 days since my last post and I am very sorry because I was sick, and helping out the school. I just got rid of Strep throat Again. I got it last year, and WON'T get it again Anyways I am starting to draw 2 request. Okay well i gotta start so bye :D

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Lyrics #2

Here's Ke$ha, Tik Tok Lyrics!!!! I messed up on it, it's supposed to be party not part.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Lyrics #1

I know what you're probably thinking, I thought this is for art? It is still,but things that match the song will be featured at the end of each. He's You Belong With Me Lyrics with my drawing Taylor Swift.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Me on the computer

Here's me on the computer. This was HARD!!!!

Request #4: Mr. Hanky The Christmas Poo

Requested by; I-M-A- DoRk, here he is. :P The things I draw for people.

Baby In An Angel Costume

Here's a Baby In An Angel Costume.